
Go Go Gadget Google

So, I manage www.torcpress.com for my boy Joseph Morris. It's his self-published superfly comic book company that's almost better than ninjas. Cause Ninjas are rad. At the end of every month I send him a huge email about how excited I am over this month's visitors stats. This month? You guessed it. Google.

We got 40 hits from Google searches. Granted, most of them went directly to his blog, but at least a third of those blog hits spent some time at the site, and the
web comic is definitely growing in popularity. Tomorrow I'll post the start of a Christmas season web comic special. But I digress. What's the coolest thing about the Google searches? A few of them are for things like 'Joe Morris', 'torcpress', and character related stuff. Whoot. My favorite? "what did gwar do to lacy peterson" Go blog power.


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