
Internet down again....

Well, no internet until at least Sunday (again). So, this post'll be from the hellspital and disjointed as hell....as usual.

Christmas Haul
Wrapping up the holidays, this weekend saw the arrival of some of my family from So. Ill. We spent Saturday together at my place and Sunday pulling our hair out at the Mall of America. Man I hate that place. Regardless, twas a good time and made for a great Christmas. Props again to Wendy for cooking an amazing Christmas meal and maintaining her sanity in the face of my family's usual chaos. We're all very strong-willed, making for hard decisions about trivial things like dinner...

(I hate people at the hellspital that aren't really sick enough to be in the ER, specially when the clinic is still open....but anyone that knows me or reads this knows that.) (mmm, cold coffee)

Anyway, continuing the mega pull this Christmas, here's the run down for the weekend.

From mi familia, I scored a sweet little dragon statue from my little bro that completely balanced an ornament shelf mounted in our hallway. Props to him, even though he doesn't read this. Mom and Dale set me up with a wad of cash, socks (which I always ask for) and a perfect thin tie. Also nabbed a couple mega boxes of fudge, and Wendy and I got a box with our name on it containing a kick ass cooking stone....kind of like a cookie sheet, only a thin rock that you don't wash.

Wendy hit me with some bad ass pants from the Gap. Now, normally, I'd say that's not my style, but having been gifted with three pair of pants from that place, I have to say they make the most comfortable damn pants in the world. They better for the price. Still, I may shop there myself now... On top of that, she smacked me hard with some store bought quality time in the form of Mortal Kombat: Deception. And unlike Phil, I don't let her win, meaning she doesn't throw a fit and break the PS2 when company comes over and whoops her ass.

On Sunday, her sis showed up with her boyfriend for dinner at Khan's, then loaded us with more gifts from her family. Booty.

The mom-in-law-to-be dropped me San Andreas and cash. Future Pops hit me with a Best Buy gift card AND a coupla black powder pistols. Bad ass. And Wendy's gramps sent me the usual undeniably large wad of cash. With all that cash, I scored an MP3 player, with enough left over to do some damage at the wedding....

I really think I got such a good haul this year cause I spent a lot of time figering out what to get people, and a decent amount of cash getting it for them. It's the whole kharma thing. I mean, I spent several months trying to score Wendy the major portion of her gift, and the candy basket I made for my mom was nothing short of genius. The boys down south kind of suffered from brain fart, as I just got them stuff off their lists. Still, it was a good season of giving as well as getting (I'm not at liberty to discuss many of the gifts, as I'm a bad friend and have yet to mail a package or so).

A New Calendar Year
Since I doubt I'll be able to post again before New Year's, I'll wrap that up too....

It's still up in the air where the party will be, but hopefully I can wrap that up tonight, so I know how much alchohol to buy and how much to advise others to buy/bring. Regardless, there's a gonna be a big ole party somewhere, and I's gonna be there.

As for New Year's Resolutions, here's what I got, and it's gonna be a busy year. No more resolving to get a new job, as that's too dependant on things out of my control (although I did get a new job...just not the one I'd resolved to get).

1-Send out 30 animation applications. Of course, if I get an animation gig on app #3, I aint sending anymore out.
2-Finish the Shafatar Comedic Piece. This'll enhance my reel/application.
3-Sort out some plan for either a short film or a PBS-esque animated series.

Now, all but the latter depend solely on me. Number three is mainly on me, as it's just a plan. Acting on that plan, however, depends somewhat on what kind of team I can put together... which is why I'm only resolving to sort out the plan. I'd also add working on stuff with Wendy, but since that'd be dependant upon grad school and her novel(s), I won't. That way there's no excuses for not finishing this shit.

The Boolies, or The End of Boolah's Blog?
So, Boolah's announced a lessening of his
blog rate. This saddens me. Both the Bman and myself are rather lax in emailing each other, and his blog has been a window into the miniscule things I miss out on living 600 miles away. So, if, like me, you wanna see the Bman continue to Blog about mundane shit that only those close to him care about, post here, mainly cause I won't be so brash as to give out his email address. (side note, I've had three pointless patients in the length of this post) Regardless, he's posting the Years Best Boolah Awards, known as the Boolies, pretty soon, so keep checking out his site to read those.


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