
Sugarcult, New Found Glory, Green Day

Last night we caught the above band at the Target Center in Minneapolis. I thought the venue was bigger, being the stadium the Timberwolves play in, but it's surprisingly small. We were on the floor. Worth the price of admission, even though Ticketmaster did feel the need to charge EIGHT fucking dollars in fees for EACH damn ticket.

Sugarcult was uninteresting. We picked our spot for the entire show early, and didn't budge for any of the youngins that tried to press us forward. Make the little unbathed masses flow around us. And they did. Funniest part about this thirty minutes was the amount of children that wanted to stare me down, cause I was their size. I stare well. Not as good as Nick, but better than any damn junior high or high school kid full of angst and hating his/her parents. Besides Sugarcult being one of the most boring stage shows I've seen next to Rufus Wainwright, I was disappointed with their leather and goth makeup mixed with preppy, popular punk tunes.

That being said, I think everyone else in the crew liked them. Wendy and Katie certainly danced up a storm, despite the crowding, and Nick was pretty vocal about digging them. Not sure about Matt or Anthony, but they didn't complain.

New Found Glory was pretty rockin, and I didn't mind this 45 minutes or so. Can't say I was terribly excited about them, but I did know one song. I think it was in The Girl Next Door or something. Regardless, they have a fat man in the band that played topless. I dug that. The band interacted with the audience, there were some boobies shown by young girls in the crowd, and Wendy and Katie continued to groove out. This was a good opening band, but I'm prolly not buying any CDs. The highlight of this part of the show was that my left foot didn't leave it's spot in the congealed puddle of beer I chose as my home through the entire set, despite all the kids that wanted through. At least the kids were 16-18 for this set...older than the pre-pubescant crowd following Sugarcult.

Then came Green Day. Green Day rocked. Lots of crowd interaction, including pulling three musicians out of the crowd at random to play a song. They even gave the kid that played the guitar that very same guitar. That little SOB's getting laid every day for the next two weeks at least. Three of the girls near us knew him and almost creamed themselves. Then there was "We Are the Champions" near the end of the show, which Nick thought was appropriate. By midway through the show we were surrounded by a pretty decent crowd that understood to squeeze Wendy in a press of human flesh, cause I have pointy fingers and elbows. Early on though....I'll get to that later. Green Day scores in firmly at #2 on the best concerts of Shafe's life...right after Presidents of the United States of America, and solidly before Rammstein. I just wish I could have seen.

Had to take my glasses off early. Before the show, there was this loud guy in front of us talking about how he was 220 pounds of full redneck/polok and he wasn't moving for no one. Of course, he did bout shit when both Wendy and I threatened to kill him if he elbowed her. Something about a 5'7" 120 lb dude smiling while he says "You do that again, I'll knife ya, friend," and a 5'1" skinny chic saying something "I need breathing room if you want to keep breathing."

Turns out he was a pussy. Not sure exactly how it went down, but right before Green Day started, I looked over and a dude that I wouldn't have put about 205 (forever on called Mr. Drunk), was staring down Mr. 220. Mr. Drunk popped Mr. 220 in the face, and Mr. 220 not only backed down right away, but did indeed move to a different part of the stadium, if not left entirely.

Then Green Day started. Next thing I know, Mr. Drunk is all over Nick. Now, it's fucking crowded as the line to get into hell, and this dude's flailing like a little bitch. He gets Nick a couple times in the face, Nick gets in a shot or two, and grapples him to a point that Nick's taking and giving belly shots, but more importantly no innocent 15 year old fan girls are taking wild shots to the back of the head. Big points for Nick on that move. Never being one to let my friends rumble without back up, but being WAY to small to end it by getting in between them, I let loose to help my boy Nick out. First of all, he probably didn't need my help, but all I knew was he's not been in a ruckous for about 10 years, and even then, there weren't many. So I helped out. Free kidney shots all around. I got in a good kick to the nuts on him, then right as Nick took him to the ground in the best take down I've seen in awhile (and either smashed Mr. Drunk's face into Nick's knee or the concrete) I got a nice monkey stomp onto the back/side of Mr. Drunk's knee. Then, about four guys grabbed everybody, so I helped break the battle up. All told, I saw Mr. Drunk land maybe four solid punches, while Nick not only maintained control of the fight, but got in a good dozen shots of his own. Two kicks and a flurry of kidney shots from me, and I'd say the dude simply got rolled.

He came back two songs later. No flailing this time, he tried to take the grappling straight to Nick. Nick scored big again. The novelty having wore off, I just helped break this one up, but even bigger props to Nick for the smoothest fucking head butt I've ever seen. If the somebody else didn't have their hand on Mr. Drunk's face trying to pull him back, it would have broke Mr. Drunk's nose flat out. Good job Nick. Again Mr. Drunk faded into the crowd wearing his "I'm a Crazy SOB that'll kill ya" stare, which just kind of made us laugh.

And he came back a third time. Each time, Mr. Drunk took the first swing, each time Nick returned one or two. This time, that was it. One shot from Drunk, two shots from Nick, 5 of us pulling them apart. That was the last we saw of Mr. Drunk. I wonder if he can see or breath. I wonder if he's pissed blood at all today. I wonder if he can walk. I wonder if he ever found his girlfriend (which is apparently why he assaulted everyone). I hope he can't reproduce.

All in all, a damn fine concert. :)


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