
Two games; what happened?

So last night was the 2nd attempt at an inaugural Wednesday game night. Last week we had one that was Wendy, John, and myself. This week - just John and me. No big though, cause we busted out characters like madmen.

For the random adventures we'll be slugging through while my slow ass muscles out a campaign, John made a human fighter/scout (gestalt). I think he went with middle-aged, too. Should be a fun character with a lot of damage potential, and if he grabs the feats he was thinking of throughout character progression, he's looking at a 25% chance to crit by the time he's an old man, lol.

I whipped out a character as well, to get the full on experience of gestalt character building and went with scout/shadowcaster. A short little turu, the guy focuses on moving and blasting away with arrows. Went with fundamentals that do nonlethal damage or affect AC and attack rolls, and a mystery that gives the target +6 AC for 10 min/level. Good times. Didn't buy his gear, other than leather, shortbow and a sickle, cause right now, I still don't know what the turu are gonna be about as far as the Ride skill is concerned. Horses are a bit too big for 6' tall grass hunting. I might have to make up some predatory cat, lizard, or something else for them. Besides, humans have mastered horsemanship......

Then we moved onto Mechwarrior. Don't know when we'll get a chance to play that, but it's on the game list so we busted out some characters. Both members of the Draconis Combine, both of our characters went to the Sun Zhang Mechwarrior Academy, and through good rolls in that phase we both passed into Officer Training School as well. Both saw a tour of duty, so when game time starts, we'll be 23, the equivalent rank of Major, and John will be piloting a heavy mech (I think he rolled up a Grand Dragon), and I'll be sitting in an Assault mech. Good times.


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