

Oops. Didn't post yesterday. Forgot. Funny thing is I didn't get a whole hell of a lot done yesterday at work, either. Today, I did get a lot done, despite feeling like shit. Still, by my calculations I'm 220 minutes shy of having a "fully commendable" productivity this week. That's just under 25 verifications I'm not sure how to pull out of my ass. Even if I somehow managed to wrap up the work comps and miscellaneous shit that both queus are waiting on call back on tonight, I'd still be looking for 16 account to work on. Not to mention I have 100 minutes to do alla that in. Ain't gonna happen.

Nonetheless, time for that ole slave to the payclock try. In other words, I'll lurk in the other queus and find as many fast and easy patients to take care of as possible.

The most annoying thing is, I have to email an explanation of my "unallocated time" at the end of the week to the bosses, which they say shows up on the review in May, BUT that time doesn't show up in our weekly productivity email. For instance, last week I spent 2 fucking hours on one patient and another 2 1/2 running various cost estimates and helping out other teams, etc. That shit would bump my productivity from the 75% they quoted me up to almost 83%. That's the difference between an inflationary cost of living raise and a "fully effective" raise. But anyway, purty much everyone's heard my rants about applying productivity standards to a customer driven business model. It puts undo stress on the employees that care and quickly makes them not care.

Sorry Nick, if you read this far, you got this crap two days in a row. Exciting isn't it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I built those productivity ratings, I explained to higher management the flaws in the "program". I forget what they were, but it can only be a ballpark estimate-- nothing to base raises on-- only something to identify the non-productive.


9:42 AM  

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