
yearly checkup

After being on hold, once again, to get a "pre-cert" for a patient, only to find out that the benefits rep was misinformed and only outpatient procedures considered cosmetic needed pre-certs, we had a conversation about cosmetic tonsilectomies. The consensus was that the next personal modification would be tonsil sculpting. Personal I'm looking for a girl whose tonsils read "Must be this long to ride."

On an entirely different note, it's game time baby. We played SR4 Sunday night, and due to weather and a late start, it was another one roll night. As in I rolled once, to figure out what was on fire on our ship. I don't think Nick hit the dice once, and Rachel made a couple of negotiation rolls that were doomed to fail from the start, although she did succeed in quintupling our income from this run (but that was probably because Charlie was faced with something that extreme OR we'd just dump our employer in the fucking desert, leaving Charlie without an adventure to run, us with a bad reputation, and possibly a major plot twist averted before it began). Thing is, we even tried REALLY hard, and did an admirable job of staying on task, but still didn't make it too far. *shrug* We'll get rolling soon, though.

I hope. Seriously, we've been playing SR4 since before Christmas, and haven't rolled combat dice once. Since Nick consistantly makes hand-to-hand characters and Rachel consistantly makes mage/shamans, my highly mechanical/technical/social characters have really been the only ones that have rolled to do what they were made to do. Really, though, that's because the first character was made to do EVERYTHING, but nothing really well, whereas Gaz is a mechanic/pilot and we've spent 80% of our time so far in the ship. Really, though, Gaz can hold his own in combat with an axe or non-auto gun, Baru (Nick's character) should be keeping us alive in the Outback (and prolly will be since hiding our ship at the end of Sunday cost us a lot of water), and Theodosia (Rachel's) spell selection is versatile enough to see more action, I think. It's not like nobodies been doing anything, just that our characters aren't doing what we designed them to do (although mine is close, I'm still itching to open up with a drone mounted LMG or shotgun/crossbow, whatever. Gaz just wants an excuse to kick in his wired reflexes)

Funny thing is, I made a character last night a little influenced by the gunslinger adept in the book. He/she fights with dual MP-5 SMGs. With a 6 Agility, 6 Automatics (specialized in SMG) and Attribute Boost of 4 on Automatics, the character has 18 dice for shooting BEFORE using his/her Agility Ability Boost physical adept ability. Using two guns means he splits the dice, but that's still 9 with each gun. Fire a short burst with each weapon, then one short or long burst with only one weapon gives two 9 dice shots and one shot with 12 or 15 dice (depends on burst size due to uncompensated recoil) and that's 9-12 bullets in the air each Initiative Pass, or two full clips (40 rounds total) in a combat round. All with a pretty solid chance of hitting. Hell, if one mother fucker really needs to die, it's conceivable the character could put 15 into a called headshot and still lay down a wide burst to hold other opponents at bay, giving the head shot 10 or 11 dice (can't remember how much called shots take off) and a 1 die wide burst that'll still hold opponents down even if it doesn't hit shit.

So what's the point of this exercise in bad ass? Really I'm just pointing out that the players in the SR4 group are not on the same page as the GM in the group. We continue to make characters that are primarily combatants, but Charlie's game model seems to be 1-Use all of your skills and contacts to get to point A and 2-Have climactic battle at point A unless one of the characters finds a way around the battle. A full 80% of the new character's resources are meant for fighting. I think Baru is pretty close to that. Gaz is prolly 50% combat and 45% getting the crew to combat. I really didn't pay that much attention to Theodosia, so it's hard to say, but I think 1/3 or 1/3+1 of her spells are directly or indirectly combat related. Could be much more. And yet, we've not rolled combat dice once.

Part of that is us, as players, fucking around too much. Most of it, though, is the characters not matching the adventures so far. No one's really at fault, these things just happen. I think we need more high drama moments, though, whether they be combat or other. Imagine the tenseness in the room if we A)had to repair the ship quickly to fly off with our loot while B)fighting off a pack of poison gas breathing para-dingos with C)a mana storm on the horizon and clearly coming this way. Gaz needs Baru to help hold the wing in place while Gaz holds it on, but Theo needs Baru fend off the dingos while she prepares the big spell that'll save us all. ETA for the mana storm - 2 minutes. Add to it the hippy that paid us to take her out to pick exotic Outback Easter Lillies screaming her head off the whole time, in Theo's ear, and she still hasn't learned that damn silence spell..... Good times. It's all about the drama.


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