
In a dust cloud of rolling, twisted steel, rended flesh and crumpled bones, it is done.

Finished up our 2nd SR4 adventure last night. On the one hand, I feel bad because nobody but Charlie and I did anything at all, but on the other, I'm pretty confident that there will be plenty of nights where the antagonist is some astral or otherwise magical threat and my insane LMG action just won't cut the mustard.

When we'd last left our characters, they were in Adelaide looking for a certain gentleman possessing certain stolen goods. Gaz (my troll) was repairing our ship, while Theo, Baru, and Jacob (our employer) were searching the brothels. During some downtime, Gaz called up one of his contacts to see if that international fixer knew of anyone that might have info in Adelaide. Turns out, our mark had just scheduled a meeting with my contact to sell the item we were hunting for. With some quick wheeling and dealing, I orchestrated a suitably complex SR4 backstab wherin my contact would buy the amulet from our mark but leave him stranded in the Outback, we would roll up and screw up the sucker's day, then turn around and secure the amulet from my contact vis a vie a judicious favor from us at a later date (1 week).

*NOTE: I'm sure that wasn't in the cards at all, so props to Charlie on the improv.*

Next thing, we're in the air outside of Sydney hunting for our prey. Turns out our boy Jacob had a serious bone to pick with this chummer. Also turns out he's a rigger, so we fly up on him and his two rotodrones are ready to fight. Well, Gaz has a rotodrone of his own, and fucking cargo plane loaded with an LMG. Takes about three seconds to knock out his drones, the whole time the chicken shit is running away (like he can outrun us, hehe). Baru (Nick) sets up his sniper rifle as I pop open the cargo door, all set to snipe out the mofo's engine block as I whip up in front of him. On a whim, I give him a shot aross the nose of his dune buggy, hoping to pop a tire or something, but his evasive maneuver is a little to hard and uncontrolled, sending the buggy into one hell of a crash (16 points of damage to it's little 6 points of body). We land, Reggie (our target) crawls out, Jacob kicks im around, shoots him, kicks im, shoots im again, we all have a sammich and get paid. Generously. 10 times the orignially negotiated fee.

Good times, and our next job is a "recovery," bringing someone back from the Outback that maybe shouldn't be there. Of course, it's a freebie, so there's no telling what kind of a chunk it'll take out of our savings, but we've netted 174K for the biz plus 50K a piece personally, so we can stand to do a favor or two for someone that knows virtually everybody in the world. It also sounds like the sort of job that means I'll be rolling some pilot checks and maybe a repair or two, but otherwise, Nick and Rachel get the show. Fine by me. I missed a glitch by 1 die on every roll but one last night. hehe.


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