
In Space

Man, I just had an ass stomping idea for a video game, but I need to rent a couple of space combat games to make sure it hasn't been done yet or at the very least, this idea would be doing it better. It's basically squad based space combat on a large scale, with each battle's objective being to capture or destroy the enemy command ship. Players can take on various roles within the command ship and other large ships (commander, technician, gunner, etc) as well as fighter and bomber pilots or just regular troopers involved in boarding operations. I'm not talking just capture the flag action, here, but real benefits, such as locking down a ship's hangar bays and shit; things where the a boarding party is faced with the decision of destroying laser batteries from the inside which are then inaccessible if they capture the ship, or just going straight to the command deck and taking over the ship for themselves with little to no collateral damage. The ultimate goal is obviously to take over the command deck or flat out destroy the enemy command ship, but it's not immediately obvious on some maps which is the command ship.

Game play issues that arise are:
Can dead players respawn on squad leaders? Can they respawn in captured enemy assets immediately or should there be a time after capture that no one can respawn on a ship making boarding parties from both sides necessary? Will there be an actual "pilot" class or can anyone just hop into a fighter/bomber/transport? Same goes for laser/missile batteries. Does everyone wear space gear, or is there an activation time in airlocks to put that on? If so, how do you keep everyone from running to an airlock to put on space armor then just staying on their own ship to defend against boarding parties (the idea here being the raiding team should be outnumbered, but facing mostly unarmored opponents, while the raiders themselves have a slightly better defense because of their space suits and environmental gear)? Possibly limited air supply, an inability to change weapons quickly while in a suit, and some actions (such as going prone, repairing equipment, and jumping in artificial gravity) completely prohibited....

Oy. I was thinking a BF2 or Halo mod might work, but maybe not....


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