
One Way Ticket

If you're cool and 80's hair metal brings a tear to your eye and a little air guitar palpatation to your heart, The Darkness is for you. After getting Permission to Land, the group continues their journey with a One Way Ticket To Hell ....And Back. And the journey is rockin. Ten songs of pure love and falsetto.

Seriously, how can you not love a band with such a song titled "Knockers?" Then there's lines such as:

"I want you in my sack"
"I see your face when I close my eyes, and there ain't no place like between your thighs"
probably Boolah's favorite,
"Listen to my synthesizer!"

And we can't forget my personal favorite,
"I know I'll never be your Mr. Right, but I'm happy to be your Mr. That'll Do For Tonight"

I say buy this album. If you don't, well, "It would appear that male pattern baldness has set in." That might be Darkness slang for "You suck." Which is true if you don't buy One Way Ticket to Hell ....And Back.


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