Back from Illinois and Wizard World. Interesting times. The Con's getting too expensive for my blood, though. Costs me $100 to get Wendy and I in the door. Comparing that to what I could play if I'd saved that scratch for Gen Con, which I'm far more interested in, and I start to wonder....
But still, there are stories to be told. I think it was Friday, Country and I were in front of the booth. Country was having no problem bringing people into the table, but EVERYONE was ignoring me. Hell, most didn't even acknowledge I was talking. So, I comment that C-Dog has the shit down better than I. His reply was something like, "Nonsense, you just gotta get in there...Here, nail this guy." So I did. Right up in his business with a "Hey man, come check out the craziest comic at the Con." At least he replied, "Nah, man, I'd rather check out this nekkid chic over here," and he just keeps walking. He makes three steps when Boolah leans over the table and says, "Wasn't that Jason Mewes?" That's right folks, I tried to sale to and was shot down by Jay.
There are more, but this post is long enough....
Regardless, hanging with the family was a blast. Still, it's nice to be back, with all but the camping trip done, I'm looking forward to the daily blah.
So, any progress on Myrrlanthus? No. However, I did make up a new variant of monster on the road, and it should be showing up in the 2nd adventure the PCs are going on in my campaign. In fact, I think once I pin down the CR adjustment, I should be able to set it up as a template and post it on RPGNow.com and DriveThruRPG.com for sale. Have to decide if that'll be the debut OGE piece or not... Anyway.
In other news, Country's studio is rockin and his shit got me to thinking on animation and what have you. Now I just need to decide which project to start. Think I'm gonna put the cartoon avatar on the backburner. It's a bit of a hang-up right now.
Oh, and I'm kickin around the idea of a campaign website. We'll see what the group thinks about that. If I can password it up, I got some awesome ideas for it, and if I can add it to the server, there's some software I can through in that makes it super easy for the group to edit the site, too....meaning the group can post character journals and whatnot.... We'll see.
But still, there are stories to be told. I think it was Friday, Country and I were in front of the booth. Country was having no problem bringing people into the table, but EVERYONE was ignoring me. Hell, most didn't even acknowledge I was talking. So, I comment that C-Dog has the shit down better than I. His reply was something like, "Nonsense, you just gotta get in there...Here, nail this guy." So I did. Right up in his business with a "Hey man, come check out the craziest comic at the Con." At least he replied, "Nah, man, I'd rather check out this nekkid chic over here," and he just keeps walking. He makes three steps when Boolah leans over the table and says, "Wasn't that Jason Mewes?" That's right folks, I tried to sale to and was shot down by Jay.
There are more, but this post is long enough....
Regardless, hanging with the family was a blast. Still, it's nice to be back, with all but the camping trip done, I'm looking forward to the daily blah.
So, any progress on Myrrlanthus? No. However, I did make up a new variant of monster on the road, and it should be showing up in the 2nd adventure the PCs are going on in my campaign. In fact, I think once I pin down the CR adjustment, I should be able to set it up as a template and post it on RPGNow.com and DriveThruRPG.com for sale. Have to decide if that'll be the debut OGE piece or not... Anyway.
In other news, Country's studio is rockin and his shit got me to thinking on animation and what have you. Now I just need to decide which project to start. Think I'm gonna put the cartoon avatar on the backburner. It's a bit of a hang-up right now.
Oh, and I'm kickin around the idea of a campaign website. We'll see what the group thinks about that. If I can password it up, I got some awesome ideas for it, and if I can add it to the server, there's some software I can through in that makes it super easy for the group to edit the site, too....meaning the group can post character journals and whatnot.... We'll see.
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