

From Monte Cook's Journal:

Sometimes living with a dog is like living with a mildly insane person that doesn't speak my language.

So is living with cats, Monte. So is living with cats.

In other news, today was filled with getting shit done. Laundry, vacuuming. Got a great start on one of the maps for the book.

Trying to has out the procedure for the mapping. I definitely want a hand drawn look to them, which is easy to get in Campaign Cartographer, which I use. What's not easy to get is a hand colored look, since CC2 is a vector based tool, which means no fades or anything like that so the "brushed" look is out. Unless, and this is what I started on today, I use CC2 to get a very specific map outline down, which I output as a jpg. From there, I open the file in GIMP or Photoshop and paint it up by hand from there. That way, I'll get the hand drawn/painted look, but it'll be to a very specific scale.... That's the plan anyway.

Back to work. Hasta la tacos.


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