Swag list
We leave for Gen Con a week for tomorrow. Hooey is it gonna be fun. Nick's talking a return to the days of my bachelor party, cause he "accidentally" saved too much money. Me, I'm faced with a dillemma on both the timing front and the fundage front. See, with the car purchase, then the car smashy, Wendy's ward going to summer camp, and the menage-a-treas (spelled that wrong, didn't I?) of weddings we had this summer, my Gen Con savings has been stunted. But here's the swag list I hope to grab, nonetheless:
Order of the Stick swag - Both books I don't have, maybe the game. If I get there early enough, I get tons of free crap. Trouble is, I have an 8am game on Thursday morning that I really want to play, but I think the dealer room opens at 8am. Hmmm. Oh yeah, I need to make up a story and a couple of children's names so I can get some OOTS coloring books, too.
Game swag - D&D wise, I'll be looking for cheap versions of Oriental Adventures, the Expanded Psionics handbook, and I think that's it. Nick's got most of the new stuff I've been considering, so I'll check out his pile tomorrow night to see if I should get any of it for myself. Other game wise, if I like the games I'm playing at the Con, I might try to pick them up. Most likely Serinity RPG is in, as well as Call of Cthulu, easy peasy. I'll check out Cold Steel Reign on Boolah's recommendation if I can find it, too. Oh, and of course, Sunday I'll cruise the dealer room looking for bargains. Any game I might consider playing that's 75% off is a possibility. ;)
Other stuff - Well, I've failed thus far in finding Record of Lodoss Wars on DVD. Might grab that if I see it cheap. Also, wardrobe wise, I need to get 4 new t-shirts (was five, til my anniversary, thanks Nick). I know OOTS will have a couple I want (still waffling on the "I prepared Explosive Runes this morning." shirt) I don't necessarily, and probably shouldn't, get all four of them at the Con, so maybe one or two. Oh yeah, at Wendy's request I have to go find Carrie what's her name from Mythbusters and get my photo taken with her, too. It'll set with the Shafe/Ray Park photo. You Illinois boys remember the Asian man lubing up the light saber in that line? Can't think of much else. I'm sure that's more than I can score, though. I have several 2 hour slots open for shopping and eating and a few board/card game sections I don't mind skipping. (I need to go back to the Source with a list of those games I'm playing, look at them, and decide.) For instance, I'll prolly skip SPANC to go the Ennies. John has it now, so why do I need to play it at Gen Con? Not to mention the Ennies is possibly a chance to hob nob with the pros over dinner. I think the dinner might be private, though. I thought about bidding at the charity auction for a seat at the Dog Soul table just to get in closer with those guys, but didn't. Limited funds strike again. Oh well, the Necromancy Games table seat went for over $500.
Speaking of Necromancy, prior to playing this Dread Necromancer in our PIA campaign, transmutation was my favorite wizard school to specialize in. Had the most versatility, creativity, etc. But now, I think the necro is pulling me in. There's just something to be said about being an enchanter/summoner of the DEAD. Good times. And you're never lonely.
Order of the Stick swag - Both books I don't have, maybe the game. If I get there early enough, I get tons of free crap. Trouble is, I have an 8am game on Thursday morning that I really want to play, but I think the dealer room opens at 8am. Hmmm. Oh yeah, I need to make up a story and a couple of children's names so I can get some OOTS coloring books, too.
Game swag - D&D wise, I'll be looking for cheap versions of Oriental Adventures, the Expanded Psionics handbook, and I think that's it. Nick's got most of the new stuff I've been considering, so I'll check out his pile tomorrow night to see if I should get any of it for myself. Other game wise, if I like the games I'm playing at the Con, I might try to pick them up. Most likely Serinity RPG is in, as well as Call of Cthulu, easy peasy. I'll check out Cold Steel Reign on Boolah's recommendation if I can find it, too. Oh, and of course, Sunday I'll cruise the dealer room looking for bargains. Any game I might consider playing that's 75% off is a possibility. ;)
Other stuff - Well, I've failed thus far in finding Record of Lodoss Wars on DVD. Might grab that if I see it cheap. Also, wardrobe wise, I need to get 4 new t-shirts (was five, til my anniversary, thanks Nick). I know OOTS will have a couple I want (still waffling on the "I prepared Explosive Runes this morning." shirt) I don't necessarily, and probably shouldn't, get all four of them at the Con, so maybe one or two. Oh yeah, at Wendy's request I have to go find Carrie what's her name from Mythbusters and get my photo taken with her, too. It'll set with the Shafe/Ray Park photo. You Illinois boys remember the Asian man lubing up the light saber in that line? Can't think of much else. I'm sure that's more than I can score, though. I have several 2 hour slots open for shopping and eating and a few board/card game sections I don't mind skipping. (I need to go back to the Source with a list of those games I'm playing, look at them, and decide.) For instance, I'll prolly skip SPANC to go the Ennies. John has it now, so why do I need to play it at Gen Con? Not to mention the Ennies is possibly a chance to hob nob with the pros over dinner. I think the dinner might be private, though. I thought about bidding at the charity auction for a seat at the Dog Soul table just to get in closer with those guys, but didn't. Limited funds strike again. Oh well, the Necromancy Games table seat went for over $500.
Speaking of Necromancy, prior to playing this Dread Necromancer in our PIA campaign, transmutation was my favorite wizard school to specialize in. Had the most versatility, creativity, etc. But now, I think the necro is pulling me in. There's just something to be said about being an enchanter/summoner of the DEAD. Good times. And you're never lonely.
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