
Take Me Out

Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand. That, and Iron Man are the two songs I'm hung up on in Guitar Hero. I managed to mash my way through Infected and Smoke on the Water this weekend. Actually Infected liked to kill me. Ironic, no. I lost it once at 94% complete and couldn't get the rythm back after that for a few tries. Ouch.

Anyway, sorry for the lapse last week. We were down a couple of people at the hellspital and no one really stepped up to pick up the slack at all. That left me in a mass production sort of game plan, which sucked and made for a shitty shitty week. It all culminated on Friday morning with a Nigerian lady reaming me out because her sis was gonna need to get a cab and drive around the cities with $8,000 cash in her pocket. :(

So Gen Con is 16 days away. WHOOT! What still needs to be done? Well, at this point I think it's safe to say we aint doin costumes or custom t-shirts unless there's A) a local shop or B) Nick wants to pay fast shipping fees. I'll have to talk to him about that. He's the bank of the party right now, as I'm officially doing GC on the cheap now.

So, besides fashion, what's left? Well, we've got our tickets, got our hotel, got our events, got the new car I bought for most of the trips this summer and then didn't get to take on the one I really needed it for. So I think we just need to get food, get there and have fun. I need to remember to look at my MPR member card. I can get it extended to the Indy region, but can't remember how long it takes or when I should do it. It's only good for a week or so once it's done, which is all we need. Gonna be a tight timing issue, there. I think I'll check out the restaurants that get a buy1get1free deal to see where they're at in relation to the Con, first, too.

Foodwise, hopefully we can stock up on travel/camping food and not spend much at the Con. I'm still trying to think what we can smuggle inside so as not to eat $7 hot dogs....


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