
Remember to Print Letter

Pine nut oil reduces your appetite!

So, I entered a little stock market game today. You get a million fantasy dollars and eight weeks to make as much as you can. First prize is a Maserati. Next 25 get iPods. I dig. How do I expect to fair? *shrug* One of my crowning high school moments was getting 3rd place in the state contest in Illinois. Worldwide against professionals, though? Not sure. This kind of contest is NOT the same as responsible fiscal investment. The object is to make a LOT of money fast, with minimal concern for losses. It's more like gambling, really. There's a lot of looking for companies that are about to boom (In high school, I got almost a 300% increase from one stock in 8 weeks). That's a lot of current affairs research, guessing investor minds, etc. Little trends equal big money, which is NOT the case so much with long term investing. *shrug* I'm shruggin a lot. Regardless, it'll be fun whether I win or not. If the shit had started last week, I'd have turned a cool 300K already based on what I wanted to buy then. Here's to hoping those stocks keep riding the Up train....


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