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I had some wacky links heading to reports about the guy that owns the Washington Post. I believe his name is Reverend Sun Myoong Moon. Turns out he's the messiah and all religions will unite under him. He had a coronation in one of our federal government buildings, with many a senator and Bush administration official present. Weird stuff. Weirder still is his church's requirements for sex. I believe it's the Unification Church. Unfortunately, Explorer crapped out and I lost the links. I have a good memory, though.

Now, as a member of the Unification Church, there are strict sexual practices. No sex before marriage, of course. When having sex, you must have a photo of the reverend himself next to you, so that the communion can be done correctly under his watchful eye. To maintain balance, the woman is to be on top two nights in a row. After that, the man must "reestablish dominance over Eve" by continuing in the missionary position a certain number of nights. After sex, each member must clean their sexual organs with the "Holy Handkerchief" provided by the church. The HH MUST STAY INDIVIDUALLY LABELED AND CAN NOT BE LAUNDERED TOGETHER OR WITH OTHER LAUNDRY!!!!

Seriously, I'm not making that shit up! And this fucker gets FEDERAL MONEY for his church!

OK, Here are some links.

Erik Mona's blog links to a crapload of articles about this guy here.
And the moon man has a new project in the form of an underwater tunnel from Alaska to Russia that he's pushing here.

See, he gives a shitload of money to conservative politicians, so whether they agree with him or not, the idiots go to his events and generally suck his cock. Stupid stuff. Do we really need to pursue legal moves against the corrup Repubs? I think we just need to point out what officials are "supporting" this guy because he gives them lots of money and that'll take care of it....


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