
brain power

It seems my millions of adoring fans are screaming out for news from the camping trip. Unfortunately, I just don't feel like writing it all up. Instead, I think that as soon as I have time to transfer my photos out of my camera, I'll just post a bit of a photo journal thing. *shrug*

In a brief recap, it was misty and miserable on the trip into the campsite. Everything was wet, and consequently I slipped and twisted my knee. I didn't notice it was even sore until after we made camp and the damn thing stiffened up. Pretty much, it was sore as shit and stiff, but easily ignored UNLESS I was going up or down a hill. Since our campsite was on a huge rock jutting into the lake, that was pretty much anywhere I walked.

Saturday Nick showed me around the lake a bit and he caught Muskie like a madman. Three of them. I had a couple of good hits, but not enough to get the muskie fever going and found myself rather bored with fishing. The lack of mobility I's experiencing prolly didn't help much.

As a result of the knee, we decided Saturday to hike halfway back to a smaller lake and fish for perch, pike and bass on Sunday. Come Sunday morning, though, with the knee no better, I was a bit worried that pulling a halfer on Sunday would make Monday's half miserable, so I opted for heading out early. As it stands, there were hints of a thunderstorm brewing when we finally got back to the ranger station, so it's probably good we did take out.

Besides, I used Monday to good effect, getting the go ahead for a 10th level adventure that's going to be published in a Hurrican Katrina charity project. Unfortunately, that means Organ Grinder stuff is put on hold for the next two or three weeks, and the game night would suffer if we weren't mid adventure.

So, no timeline on the photo stuff, cause I'm lazy as shit when it comes to that. But look for it from time to time.


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