Death Note: A Review
Got Shonen Jump in the mail yesterday. Just read the first story before bed time last night. It's called "Death Note." Basically a kid finds a notebook from a "death God" that let's him kill someone by writing their name in the book. He decides to stop crime, etc. Goes slightly crazy, so on and so forth. Art is a little too close to YuYu Hakusho for my taste. Story, while original and off kilter, doesn't have too much long term potential, I think. I can see the kid getting in tons of trouble as a psychotic antihero, but there's just not much suspense in watching someone write a name. Maybe after it gets a few book sized issues under it, it could be a good psychological/social commentary story, but I don't see it staying in SJ mag long. It doesn't mesh well with the style/flavor of the other stories. *shrug*
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