

I should mix up the colors of my blog a bit. The text in the blue bar bugs me, cause NO ONE CAN FUCKING READ IT.


So, last night, we caught Pericles. One of Shakespeare's earlier works, tis more comedic and less tragic than later stuff like Macbeth/R&J/etc. Tragedy befalls Pericles throughout the play for sure, but the humor prevails nonetheless. Good stuff all around. If you're not familiar with the story, Pericles is a prince that goes to another country to win a bride by solving a riddle. The answer to the riddle is that the King is porking his daughter. The king gives P-cles 40 days to live, and if the secret's not out by then, laters dude.

So, Pericles goes into hiding. He's shipwrecked, but then wins a jousting tournament and gets married. Knocks up his wife and the evil king dies along with his daughter, probably of syphilus. On the way home, Pericles wife gives birth but dies. The sailors are a superstititous lot and make the P man dump her ass overboard. Cept she's not dead. She washes up on shore.

As if that's not enough, because of the storm they're in, Pericles goes ashore to ask a few friends to take care of his new baby, til the seas are calm. Then he goes home.

Neptune was pretty pissed, cause it took 14 years for the sea to calm. In that time, Marina, Pericles daughter, turns out to be a super nice hotty. In a fit of jealousy, the bitch raising her has her killed. Only the dude doing the job is worthless and instead of death, pirates kidnap Marina. She's bought in a market by a brothel.

Gotta get to work, so I gotta paraphrase the rest. Basically, Pericles goes into morning, gets shipwrecked again (I'd stay off the sea, dude, that's almost three times), finds his daughter, has a dream sent by Diana, then finds his wife. His daughter gets hitched, and now he's the good king of four countries (that's implied anyway), cause he went back and razed the castle of the fucks that tried to off his daughter.

My only complaints are that the small cast felt the need to do different accents in their different roles, meaning the Spartan knight sounded German and what not; the doorman for the brothel, as well as the brothel master, was way too over the top MODERN gay; and that the saggy breasted brothel mistress sounded and looked like Aunt Jemima, which just seemed like a subtle rub toward the racial disparity in the Twin Cities....

Major props to the set designer, though. That shit was bad ass. A lot of the props were reused for different accessories, but all were believable and solid. And more props for the actors for playing each of the roles well (cept for the accents), but especially a Big Up to them for pulling off the horses. They basically wore a horse strapped to their shoulders, so that upper body was man mounted on horse, and lower body was the horses legs. They pulled it off so the legs acted like nervous horses, pawing the ground and what not, the upper body moved like mounted knights, and the horse bodies reacted appropriately (such as shying away from the king). Pretty sweet.

Oh yeah, and none of the actors were as attractive in real life as they were in their photos. Cept the bald dude, cause in his photo, he wasn't bald so much as balding. And in one photo, an actress looked like my ex Brooke, cept black.

B&N calls. Go read Nick's Blog for some damn humorous knife reviews. "Open carefully and cut away the crutch of convenience," cause Nick's got 3.5" of laughter in his pocket with your name on it.


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