
No Dice

Bet you're all expecting a rip roaring game report here. After all, it's Saturday, we game it up on Fridays. Sorry. Disappointingly, we didn't play last night. Thursday I had a 12 hour overnight shift, getting me home just before 8am Friday morning. After a four hour nap, I hit B&N. Turns out, J Dogg was pumpin the beat at Goth Night at Ground Zero all night Thursday, and Nick's shift at Joe's Friday went til about 11pm. Add to that Wendy's need to cram for the GRE today, and we opted not to force ourselves to roleplay.

Instead John and I started a season on good ole Madden '04 as the Steelers. Gotta say, it's fun to run with Bettis. Still, two weeks into the season and we haven't won a game yet. There's always one play that turns the tide on us and we go to shit. One time we missed a kick return and started at like the 2 yard line, promptly throwing an interception. The next game I fumbled a kick return, which the Chiefs returned for a TD. *shrug* Oh well.

Regardless, here's a little D&D chat for all you folks that love to read that action. Presently, the campaign is set in a fertil river valley similar to that of the Nile. The valley has been colonized by an empire from the continent to the south called the Ichian Empire (that's pronouced i-kay-en whether it's spelled right or not). Now, there's a few minor and major plots and subplots going on here I won't mention, due to the PCs possibly being involved in them later (or now, mwuhahahahahaha).

So, today I had a super sweet idea that I *may* put into place. I figer Nick might not like it, or he'll really love it. I haven't got Wendy or John's gaming number yet, so I don't know, but I doubt Wendy hates it...she's not grown up with the D&D canon like Nick and I have.

Regardless, aside from the wasteland continent the PCs are on, the Europe-esque continent of the Ichian Empire, and the archipelago of islands bordering it, there are a few other unknown continents on this world. PCs don't know that of course, but the players do (or should if they listen to me rant about game ideas I have, regardless, they do now). They're not fleshed out, cause I don't need to yet. I was thinking one might be more eastern in make up, though....

Which leads me to..... AN INVASION. But not just an invasion of clashing societies (eastern honor versus western consumerism and what have you). Something more sinister. Something more evil. An invasion of superior technology. For the most part, I think it'll be typical D&D level tech. Hell, I'm thinking there's a line of magical rip tides seperating the hemispheres, so first, the invaders have to overcome that barrier. Once that's done, they're in. With their guns blazing. Literally. Remember the arquebus of 2nd edition? I had a player piss and moan so much I finally let him have one. 1d12 ranged attack anyone? Sweet. Specially when he rolled a 1 on his d10 with each shot and the damn thing blew up in his face. Unfortunately for him, he had a penchant for rolling 1s. Heck, we even made him use an special arquedie that rolled high for everyone, except him when he used it for the backfire roll. Hehe. Loved it. Good times.

So, fair warning, next week we're planning on catching Sin City on Friday night, so we'll game on Saturday or Sunday....or possibly start gaming Friday after the flick and just play all weekend depending on when peeps have to work. So that report will be delayed.

Regardless, tune in next time for Goblin Gas, Courtesy of Your Friendly Neighborhood Mexican Restaurant or Four Monstrous Characters Step Into a Bar.....


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