
Typed and ready, but no.

So today I whipped out the D&D race that's been sitting in my notebook for a few weeks. I shoulda emailed a query about it to Dragon, but haven't yet, cause I suck at "estimating" word count. I would have estimated it at about 3k, but when all's typed up, it's less than 1500. Ouch. But while typing it, I realized I wasn't done. The religion section very clearly states "X worship their own pantheon detailed below," but there is no below. Oops. Better whip that out. Maybe a duotheism, siblings, one represents water, life, happiness and love, the other represents fire, death, anger and chaos....there has to be some worshiping of death, cause fire brings light and the race doesn't have darkvision....hmmm.

That's all I got today.


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