
Rat Rush vs. Lion Tactician

While I'm hesitant to call my rat deck a blitzer (some pros at www.nezumiwarrens.net won't let me, since there's no Rend the Soul in it), it is decently fast. I say Rush cause it's more a swarm deck. I'm still working on a name, and also a logo for the sleeve backs. Accidentally grabbed some old school sneak attacks via eBay instead of the new backing. Oops.

Anyway, another game at saw me facing a Lion Tactical/Terrain deck. Forget the name of his SH, but it was the one that gives all Terrains a focus value of 3, etc. I found out later this guy is a big time French player and is expected to win a sizeable upcoming Parisian Cup Tourney. Cool. This was the deck he was playtesting for that day.

Fortunately, his gold production was stunted the first few turns, while I grabbed AFR and G&F round 1, got another G&F * Yoee'tr round two, and round three saw Ikk'rt, Rat Conj, and Treasure Hoard. I was set after that. Round 4 I took a prov. And surprisingly that was the only prov I took. I didn't get enough bushi for effective formations until the last round, and still didn't get to use it, cause he axed all my 0F tokens. Defensively, he had the Lion that gets a +1 to Force every time I use an ability during an Attack Phase, pumped to 6F to start with due to a weapon and +1/+1 Kaiu Village Armor token. That guy and another 4/4 pumped with a 2/2 weapon. Good combo with the favor, the weap/armor lion, and the wind that lets him move the guy to a different defender's province. Fortunatley, I had Daigotsu and once the swam kicked in, so did favor denial.

Key cards for me were the sensei, and I finally got to test Heimen Laborers. I like them a lot, but may drop to two instead of three. My gold scheme can manage 4 to 5 cheap peeps a turn, specially with a village in play, but unless it was 3 ikk'rts, two yoeetrr, and a conjurer or something, 6 would be stretching it with the holdings I usually see in play mid-game. Besides, if I drop a Heimin and Iron Pillar I could toss in a couple of Path of Wisdom to feed the sensei/conjurers.

So, the present incarnation of the deck I wanna build is 1-1, with the loss being mostly due to the learning curve. Got it hammered, now, and we'll see how it rocks from here.


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