
gettin sum

Today, I woke up at 5am. Woke up again at 5:30am and rolled outta bed at about 5:45. Except for actually getting up, that's pretty standard. Usually I fall back asleep, though. Not this morning baby. This morning, visions of polygons and pixels (actually NURBS curves) were dancing in my head. So I got up and showered.

Then, I started some modelling. Started on the two headed trombone player for Country's one man show. It's like a cow head shaped lizard thing with antelope antlers and tiger stripes. It's cool. I promise.

Anyway, I haven't animated in something like a year. Let me tell you, I feel like a man that just left the priesthood and got laid. By a woman. Not a young boy. And without the associated guilt of turning my back on God. For carnal pleasure. And maybe some Cheetohs. See, you can eat Cheetohs as a priest, but not off the naked body of a lithe Asian woman that charged you $7, even if she supplied the Cheetohs.


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