

Spent the weekend winning over Wendy's friends. :) My charm goes really well with alcohol and Australians. Well, fake Australian accents anyway. Who'd a thought that playing SR4 on Sundays would have a net gain of a few hotties? Well, me, but I live in a fantasy world bordering on narcissism.

But here's the bad news. Dead deer. Friday night. Passenger doors won't open. Car being taken in for repairs today. Fortunately the car is drivable, so I wasn't left sitting on the side of Hwy 29. I'll post pictures when I have time to dink around with the camera. They're not super detailed because, despite the damage, the car is still super shiny, so you get more glare than contour.

Random thought: Whenever I try to think the word Mandarin, my Star Wars brain replaces it with Mandolorian.


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