
Porting Solutions

If the ruckous over Dubai Ports is truly only related to security concerns and not just some xenophobic fear of the Middle East, here are a few ideas I have for solving the problem. The rhetoric is that by managing these services, DPO (I think it's O, might be W) will have easier access to visas, bank accounts, and all that's associated with that in America. Here's a tip, it's easy as pie to open a falsified checking account here. If it wasn't, identity theft wouldn't be such a concern. Regardless, it's my understanding that the company will be managing the labor force on the dock, not actually "controlling" the ports. Customs and the Coast Guard still deal with all security issues, etc, so unless the company were to institute it's own security policy in addition to those matters, I don't see them dealing with that at all. The real danger in international shipping lies at the giving end, not the receiving end. It's easier for a woman to catch an STD than a dude, if you catch my drift. Regardless, here comes the pain.

Work Visa Access Restriction
This one's pretty straight forward, and the precedence for it lies in the office of the President. The Prez, right now, can only be an American born citizen. We don't have to go that extreme, but I don't see a problem requiring that certain job functions with a security risk associated be required to be citizens, not immigrants with work visas. Just make a list of job functions that we don't give work visas for. Other countries do. Hell, for awhile, Australia wouldn't let married women get work visas there, because of the concern that their husband would be taking a job from an Australian man.

Union Visa Restriction
This one's similar to the above, but more restrictive in some fields, less restrictive in others, and has a variety of options. The simplest is to either not issue work visas in a field with an established union, require union membership if an established union is already involved in the industry or some other variant. I don't like this one as much, since it's not as secure, but it does get the other employees in a field involved in the lives of the "new" people that the Congress seems to fear.

Crap. I had a few others, but work got in the way and derailed my brain. Tune in later in case I remember them or ramble on about my theories on who blew up the golden mosque in Iraq.


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