
links & reviews

First the links. Here are some interesting articles about insurgents in Iraq, thanks to an interesting site Bjorn directed me to.

IED micro-markets
"Open Source" Warfare

On an interesting tangent, the Open Source post gave me a fun idea for a military style campaign. It could be played in a d20 rules base, but might work better with different rules entirely. The basic premise is that the players pick a side in a conflict and the GM runs the opposite side. One side is a structured military with strict command and control. The other is, of course, the open source, cell styled force. The campaign can (and should) run the gambit between planning, role playing, and tactical combat. Could be good times. The easiest set up would have the players running the structured military, possibly with some tables and random rolls on the requisition of supplies front, while the GM ran the OS side, since that's the side that's the most radical (and already fits a lot of the structure inherent in the adventures I tend to make anyway, LOL).

I lost my train of thought, there, though.

I was also gonna review Doom and Zorro 2, but can't remember my thoughts there. I do think Doom's a good MST3K movie, decent action flick, but with poor lines and not too stressful on the brain. Coulda used more nudity maybe. Nothing surprising about it though. Z2 was good. As good as the 1st, I think. Worked for me.


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