Brew It
"Every year, BREW 2006 is the place to learn about what's new in wireless data." This is the ONLY informative statement in an email I got about signing up for this convention. The rest of it was flare, purely designed to appeal to my "ooh, pretty" reflex in hopes I'd sign up. FAILED. I'd expect more out of a business convention. Seriously, business types are stupposedly the key people that don't have time to fuck around with an ooh pretty reflex. And certainly don't have time to click the link below for more information. Then there's grammar. If "Every year, BREW 2006 is the place..." that means to me that last year it was called BREW 2006 as well. And the year before. And the year before. How do I know if I went in '04 if it was called '06. *shrug* Silly emails.
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