
A blank slate

OK, I just spent a considerable amount of time distracting myself from the Robots review so I could come into it fresh, but to no avail. So, this one's gonna be short.

Basically, the movie was good, but more at a movie rental price than a theater price. I don't feel like I wasted my time, nor my money, but neither would I watch it again. The story was a tad too cliche and the characters a bit too formulaic. Wendy thought the timing was off a wee bit as well.

That's really all I got. It's hard to write a review for a movie you really have no strong feelings for either way. On the plus side, I thought it was way better than Dragons: A Fantasy Made Real which we watched on Animal Planet later in the evening.

Maybe if I feel like writing anytimet his week I'll bust out a review of Complete Adventurer. That's a solid buy, if only for the Scout class and the "Making an Organization" section in the back. The book works real well with Races of Destiny I think.


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