
Merry Earth Day

Here are some trailers:
Da Vinci Code (I know a lot of my readers hate Tom Hanks, but there are other actors in here that are really good.)
V is for Vendetta
The Producers (Matthew Broderick, Uma Therman, and broadway. What more do you need?)

There were more, but I closed the window. :(

We're heading out tonight to celebrate Christmas with my family (next year will most likely see us in WI), so I won't be blogging until at least Wednesday. A 50 degree winter might be enough to convince Wendy we're moving down to Illinois, though. :)

Today, I just felt like listing the things I've personally done this year to reduce my carbon footprint and all of that green living crap I always bitch about. I have:
  1. Cut down on extraneous driving. A lot. Most of it stems from not gaming, :( but I really try to plan shopping and carpooling around the most fuel efficient use routes and timing.
  2. Ridden Wendy like a race horse (mmmmmm) about turning the lights off when we leave the room.
  3. Watched as Wendy switched to a pine based, non silicate cat litter.
  4. Recycled everything I could.
  5. Bitched a lot on my blog.
  6. Continued to pay for 200 kwh per month of wind energy over a cheaper alternative.
  7. Went into a gay man frenzy over switching to rechargeable batteries in every battery gadget we have.

Here's what I intend to do for next year:

  1. Continue the recycling, recharging, and wind energy action.
  2. Hopefully buy a gas/electric hybrid, or at least a newer model car that gets 32+mpg.
  3. Switch all of our light bulbs to the spirally guys that last 100 years and use 1/billionth the energy.
  4. Continue riding Wendy. :)
  5. Turn my computer off when I'm not using it, and shut down "back end" programs like MSN and shit when I'm playing BF2 (and upgrade my RAM so the hard drive runs less).

So everyone have some good times this year.


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