
battlefield 2 forums

I read a lot of BF2 forums when I'm on hold. Mostly it's a waste of time as everyone throws around insults about how the whiners (commonly spelling whingers) can't play and get pwned cause they're little bitches, or how this guy's an asshat, a jet whore, a dolphin diver, or some other juvenile way of not touching on any of the key points in what could have been a viable forum, but it's not monitored.

Occasionally, a good quote or name comes out of them though. My personal favorites thus far in the realm of name have been ditch pickle (which I knew, but had forgotten about), and fagamuffin.

Today, I found this quote. Random considering the forum content, but laced with idiotic wisdom.

"Feed the birds..scientists have shown they were once the dinosaurs..and if they ever turn back..you don't want them pissed at you."

And gamers wonder at their bad reputation....


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