
Butt spasm

Well, my new position at FV has me sitting in a cubicle ALL damn day calling people on the phone. I started logging every call, but quit at 55, so I'd say I've made between 60 and 70 calls today. I know I actually finished only 25 accounts, but that's a speed that keeps me at the high end of the standard (max is 150 in a week), so I'm not too worried. Damn is it boring.

Most importantly, sitting on my ass for 8 hours makes it super sore. Oof. Gonna have to start breaking up my day with little walks around the hospital or something.... Regardless, 7-8:30 has become the longest hour and a half of my life...

I'd like to write about something worthwhile, but I'm so bored my brain won't shift into gear. I should review Lord of War, which wasn't a bad flick, albeit one worth waiting to rent. I could also review "Crime & Punishment", a d20 pdf I picked up this weekend thinking it'd have some good stuff for DMs in it. Turns out it's very player specific, focusing on how characters would solve crimes, etc, and giving me the sense that if you wanted to make Sherlock Holmes or Batman, you could. Not what I expected, so I'll wait for that feeling to pass, then write up a full review for enworld.org, I think.

Two reasons for enworld.
#1 If I write a few reviews for them, I can join the pdf review project, which nets me free product to write reveiws for. Score.

#2 The same guy that runs that site runs a commercial rpg shop, and he's hiring reviewers for that. Same gig, free pdf's, and PAY on top of that. What's not to like?

Yeah, I got nothing.


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